Sydenhams Group Modern Slavery Statement

Sydenhams Ltd is an independent company with a long tradition of supplying timber and building materials, kitchens & bathrooms, eco-friendly timber-framed buildings, flooring, landscaping and hire equipment throughout Hampshire, Wiltshire, Dorset, Oxfordshire, Avon and the Isle of Wight.  Sydenhams are a member of, and play a prominent role within the Fortis Merchant Buying Group which comprises over 50 member companies across the UK, with a combined turnover exceeding £2 billion per year.  The ultimate parent company of Sydenhams is Sherborne Holdings Ltd.  Subsidiary companies in the Group include Guernsey Building Supplies Ltd, Sydenhams Hire Centres Ltd and Sydenhams Timber Engineering Ltd.  Our Modern Slavery Policy and practises apply to all of the companies in the Group.

Sydenhams recognises that slavery and human trafficking is a serious global issue and takes a zero-tolerance approach.  We will not accept slavery or human trafficking in any area of our supply chain, or wider business dealings. Any reports or suspicions of slavery or related human rights violations within our supply chain will be investigated and dealt with as a matter of utmost priority.

 Sydenhams and Fortis undertake a supplier approval process to ensure that all new suppliers of goods and services adhere to this legislation.  We will not engage in business with suppliers where there are any concerns over any of the issues raised by the Modern Slavery Act.

The majority of supply to Sydenhams is from UK businesses, or UK agents, and with the key supplier contracts negotiated and appraised by the Fortis Buying Group. We have identified elements of the supply chain sourced from areas of the globe where modern slavery is a higher risk. For these suppliers, and all, an assessment of the risks of modern slavery has been carried out. No business will be conducted if suppliers cannot confirm adherence to the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act.


Sydenhams Group Modern Slavery Policy

This Policy has been published in accordance with the provisions of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It sets out the steps taken by Sydenhams to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking within our businesses and supply chains.

People are at the heart of Sydenhams’ values. We look to ensure that our responsibilities to the Modern Slavery Act are transparent within the organisation, and our supply chain.

We have policies and foundations in place to fully respect human rights and recognise the rights of employees to have a dignified workplace, to recognise forced labour and apply due diligence to asses risk, identify, report and address any issues.

Sydenhams will continue to identify ways to enhance employee and supplier awareness and commitment to respecting human rights, alongside the prevention of modern slavery and human trafficking. We will also commit to keeping abreast of information, future legislation and best practise regarding the risks of slavery and human trafficking, ensuring procedures within the business continue to meet the required standards as set out by this legislation and the Company’s commitment.

Sydenhams undertake an approval process to ensure that all suppliers of goods and services adhere to the legislation, which follows the Fortis Merchant Buying Group code of conduct, as set out below. 

We will proactively manage our contracts and relationships with suppliers to ensure that Sydenhams do not receive products/services that utilise slavery, human trafficking or other oppressive labour conditions in the supply to our Company.  Sydenhams alongside with our suppliers will review, manage and work to reduce any risks on an ongoing basis.

Sydenhams and the Fortis Merchant Buying Group require all of our suppliers to confirm adherence to the following standards:

  1. Child Labour

Child labour MUST NOT BE used by a supplier.

A child is defined as any person under the age at which the local minimum age law stipulates for work or mandatory schooling. As a general rule this would be anyone under fifteen years of age.

  1. Slavery, Forced, Bonded* or Involuntary Labour

* Bonded Labour, e.g. a person becomes a bonded labourer when their labour is demanded as a means of repayment for a loan.

There MUST NOT BE any slavery, forced, bonded or involuntary labour in use across a supplier’s operation.

To ensure compliance, workers should have the legal right to work at the premises, to leave the premises at the end of their working day and the freedom to terminate employment at any time in accordance with the agreed notice period. 

  1. Human Trafficking and Exploitation

There MUST NOT BE any labour who could be considered to have been subject to Human Trafficking.

To ensure compliance, workers cannot be recruited through a person who arranges or facilitates the travel of another person with a view to that person being exploited. It is irrelevant whether that person has consented to travel.

  1. Health and Safety Hazards

Workers MUST BE prevented from exposure to any health and safety hazards that are likely to pose an immediate risk of causing death, permanent injury or illness.

  1. Working Hours

A reliable system for recording working hours and wages for each individual employed MUST BE in place within a supplier and these should be available for audit.

  1. Business Ethics

There MUST NOT BE any form of bribery offered or used in relation to our supply chain.

 In addition to the above standards, Sydenhams’ Modern Slavery Policy also covers the following provisions within our Company:

  • Adherence to local and national laws
  • Freedom of workers to terminate employment
  • Freedom of movement
  • Freedom of association
  • Prohibits any threat of violence, harassment and intimidation
  • Prohibits the use of worker-paid recruitment fees
  • Prohibits compulsory overtime
  • Prohibits discrimination
  • Prohibits confiscation of workers original identification documents
  • Provides access to remedy, compensation and justice for victims of modern slavery

 Lee Wright (Group Managing Director)

01st June 2024